Do You Need Advanced Therapy?
October 17, 2017
There is a natural space between your gums and your teeth. The space is too small to be noticeable until it isn’t. As gum disease progresses what were once small spaces now become “pockets” that increase in depth and collect tartar and bacteria.
As long as you keep up with daily brushing and flossing and you continue to have professional teeth cleanings every six months you can consider yourself to be at minimal risk of developing gum disease.
Whether due to a lack of preventive measures or sometimes because of a genetic inclination a lot of people will find themselves facing some form of gum disease at some time in their life. Fortunately, there is a therapy plan.
Receding gums is a common symptom of periodontitis. While a typical teeth cleaning is done to remove plaque and tartar from the outer surface of your teeth a “deep cleaning” is meant to reach beneath the gumline and clean out any bacteria that has built up there. The procedure is recommended when the spaces between the gums and the teeth measure five or more millimeters.
Deep cleaning is a bit more invasive than a typical treatment but it doesn’t have to be done in one appointment and a local anesthetic can be used to make the patient more comfortable. The best thing about having this type of cleaning done is that it will begin to reverse the damages caused by the infection of gum disease.
Dr. Charles Fana is highly experienced in the treatment of periodontal disease. Call Compass Dental today @ 912-417-3306 in Savannah, GA.
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